OGSM Software Q1 release notes

Helping you and your organisation achieve more goals by providing training and tooling in creating great organisational habits.

OGSM - First quarter release 2024

  • Comments feature
  • Project status update
  • Help
  • Recommended Actions
  • OGSM informative tooltip
  • OGSM filters
  • OGSM activity log
  • Tailored Cascade OGSM through strategy
  • Automatic reports

Comments feature

We have enhanced the comments feature to allow users to provide comments and give feedback to the commenter. You can now view an overall list of all comments within OGSM, as well as separate lists for each item. Each informative tooltip will show at a glance whether there are comments, how many have been processed, and, on click, it will open the comment popup. You can also download a report with all the comments.

  • You now have the option to process comments by either sending feedback via email or simply processing the comment without sending an email
  • You can now view all comments, both processed and unprocessed, within the OGSM context menu

Project status update

Users can now add action status updates directly from OGSM and view the list of updates in a new tab within the action edit modal



If you’re finding it challenging to create a successful OGSM, you can easily schedule a 30-minute consultation with us. Simply click the ‘Help’ button at the bottom of the page and select ‘Book a 30-minute consultation’


Recommended Actions

We will guide you through the creation of your OGSM by suggesting small steps to improve it. Recommended actions will be displayed at the bottom of the screen, and clicking on them will show you how to best enhance your current OGSM. You can also disable this feature in the personal settings page.

  • Since the creation of the OGSM it will suggest you in the call to action section to first create an objective”
  • Once the objective is created, it will guide you through the next steps

You can also easily disable this feature from personal settings.

OGSM informative tooltip

You can now have a quick overview of the OGSM  by hovering over the eye icon next to the OGSM name. You can get the details such as Owner, status, start and end date, the OGSM level, OGSM mode and when was the last update description and the text


OGSM filters

Introducing two new options: ‘Non-active actions (last 3 months)’ and ‘Modified actions (last 3 months)’. Clicking on either will promptly display the respective actions. You can further filter by ‘Me’ or ‘All’, enabling also the selection of a specific person from the advanced list


OGSM activity log

Gain complete access from OGSM creation onwards. Initially, view the latest 20 activities, then simply click ‘see more’ to reveal the next 20 entries, continuing until you reach the OGSM creator.


Tailored Cascade OGSM through strategy

You can now easily cascade through strategy by also choosing whether you want to allow the actions to become strategies and steps to become actions in cascaded OGSM. If you uncheck this option, they will not be transferred in the cascaded OGSM


Automatic reports

Enable the automatic time reports feature to receive regular reports for each OGSM. Simply set a start date, end date, and desired frequency, and the reports will be automatically sent to you.

If you need any help please feel free to reach out to us. We are more than happy to help you create the best OGSMs and keep you informed about the latest updates to our tool.