Learn about other organisations using OGSM Software

OGSM Software: Case studies

We asked several of our users to tell us about their experiences with OGSM Software and share some case studies of ongoing projects. You can read about our customers and learn from their examples below.

OGSM facilitates interregional partnerships for NHN Development Company Noord-Holland Noord


Waronne Sint, Project Manager and Advisor:

“At the Development Company, we started using OGSM in 2019. Our clients are municipalities and provinces receiving public funds. It was vital to show what results we were achieving. In public partnerships, defining and reaching objectives can be very difficult. OGSM forces us to formulate goals explicitly, so we can have meaningful discussions with clients about their needs and expected results.”

“It helps our clients when we speak one uniform strategic language together.”

“OGSM is a clear and coherent model. As a Development Company, we are active in investment, marketing, implementation, relocation, and innovation. OGSM Software creates an overview of the interconnection between activities and their impacts and enables us to explain to all stakeholders how their individual projects contribute to the bigger picture.”


Bouter Group achieving new successes with OGSM Software

Bouter Group

Joost Wetzels, CEO:

“We have been working with OGSM Software at Bouter for several months. It helped us to get the organization to adopt a new way of working. The Software facilitates a unified way of formulating and assessing objectives and actions.

Because the tool automatically requests status updates at a fixed time (once a month in our case), we can monitor, reflect, adjust and determine the next steps more efficiently and effectively. We keep each other better informed of actions and respond faster to changing circumstances without losing sight of our goal.”

“Monitoring, reflecting, adjusting and determining the next steps more efficiently and effectively.”

“In addition, our business plan is now accessible in a secured cloud-based environment and we can give people throughout the organisation access to view the plan, including an overview of the current progress. This gives ensures everyone can stay up-to-date on where the company is going, and everyone knows how their own projects contribute to the shared goals. That makes the business plan tangible and ensures that everyone can contribute to achieving our objective.”


E-Expansion realises massive growth with OGSM software


Jeroen Adriaans, Founder:

“We started to use OGSM Software in July 2019. After 2 brainstorm sessions with our management team, we created our strategy within the software. OGSM Software helps us to get a better understanding of our business processes and the responsibilities each person has in our company. 

Monitoring our goals and doing the right things made us more efficient, and increased our focus on our key goals. This has contributed to a growth of more than 100% within 6 months since we implemented OGSM software.”


More customers and examples?

Interested in other examples of OGSM being used successfully in your own industry? Contact us and we’ll put you in touch with a reference client.
