17 Frequently asked questions (FAQ): OGSM Software

Looking for help? You are in the right place. On this page, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about OGSM Software. Should you find your question missing from the FAQ, please contact us.

2. Creating your OGSM with OGSM Software

Click on the “Objective” to edit it. Click under “Name OGSM” to edit the OGSM name.

Click on the plus sign or on the “add new” pop-up to add a new goal set. Select whether it is a ‘what’ (lagging indicator) or ‘how’ (leading indicator) set. Click on the red trash can to delete a goal (set) and on the yellow pencil to edit the goal (set) or add additional goals to the set. You can edit the text by clicking on it.

Split goals into sub-KPIs by adding sub-KPIs that directly affect the Goal. Or use existing goals or dashboard measures as sub-KPIs by clicking the “select” button under the sub-goals or sub-KPI heading, and selecting from the list those KPIs that directly affect the Goal or Dashboard Measure.

Click on the plus sign to add a new strategy. Click on the red trash can to delete the strategy and on the yellow pencil to edit it. Or you can edit the text directly in the overview by clicking on it.

In the edit menu, you can assign the owner responsible for this strategy and its status updates. By opening Dashboard measures or Actions via the arrow button, you can add measures and actions, as well as check and edit their status.

Adding, editing and deleting works the same as with Strategies (see the above Q&A). But for Dashboard Measures, if you click on the yellow pencil, the “Graph” or “Details” pop-up opens. This will show the values entered so far. You can switch between these pages via the tabs:


Here, you can enter whether the Dashboard Measure is a ‘what’ (lagging indicator) or a ‘how’ (leading indicator) measurement. You can also submit the start and end date and corresponding values here. The graph is generated based on these values. Determine the measurement period and update frequency. Based on this, the KPI owner receives automatic requests to update the status.


The graph shows the actual progress (based on entered values) relative to the forecast (based on start / end date). You can check the entered values via the arrow button and enter a new value (progress) manually.

Click on the plus sign or on the “Add new” pop-up to add a new action set. Fill out the fields. The owner responsible for this action will provide status updates and receive the update requests. You can add additional team members by clicking on the arrow button next to ‘Team’.

Yes! You can activate the option to add Risks to your Actions via the “MENU” button in the top left. Then click on ‘Administration’ → ‘Workspace settings’ → ‘Workspace settings’ → Other. Check the “OGSM contains Risks” option.

Then open the Action Measure where the Risk applies. Scroll all the way down in the action edit menu. The “Risks” function button is now displayed at the bottom. Click on this “Risks” button and add the desired content.

The software complies with HTML standards and operates through a web browser (preferably Edge or Chrome).

3. Managing your OGSM with OGSM Software

Widen or narrow your browser window until the software displays “A4” (approximately 0.71) Click the “eye” dropdown symbol in the top right of your screen and select “export to PDF”. Click OK to see the result and adjust the aspect ratio if necessary.

You can specify the frequency of status update reminders to owners in the ‘status update frequency’ text box in the details section of the relevant Goal or Dashboard Measure. You can also send an ad hoc project status update request by clicking the ‘send status update request’ button in the Details sections of an Action Measure. The action owner will receive an email with a direct link to an update form to update the requested action.

Yes, in your settings you can enable or disable the email updates for all items allocated to you in one go. For more information, refer to “User settings” in the user guide.

After you have updated a goal, strategy, measure or action, please save the activity and refresh the page. Also make sure the start and end date of the updated action are set correctly, to make sure you are not updating an action that has already ended.

You can filter the actions (top left in Measure Action Plans), for example to hide all actions that are done. A warning sign appears when the filter is on.

When hovering with your mouse over the actions, you will see a “filter” button.  Select this, go to “advanced”, then choose the person you want to filter by.  This will reduce the amount of items shown and speed the loading of your page.  Note! Don’t forget to turn off your filter when you no longer want it.&Quot;&Quot;

Is your question not answered in this FAQ?

If you have a question that is not included in the FAQ or OGSM Software User Guide, please contact us.