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Administering OGSM software

Welcome to OGSM! This guide is designed to provide documentation for people who provide admin support to the teams using OGSM on a day-to-day basis.

Table of Contents

Why the administrator role is important

As an administrator of the OGSM workspace, your role is crucial to the success of your organization’s change management efforts. You are the first level of support for your team, providing assistance and guidance on how to effectively use the OGSM software. Your advanced understanding of the software allows you to apply the right settings for your organization, ensuring that it aligns with your strategic goals and objectives.

Additionally, you play a key role in monitoring progress within the OGSM workspace. This involves tracking and analyzing data, generating reports, and providing insights to help your team make informed decisions and adjustments to their strategies and tactics.

Efficient and effective communication is essential in any organization, and as an administrator, you are responsible for ensuring that communication within the OGSM workspace is streamlined and productive. You facilitate collaboration, encourage open communication, and ensure that team members have the necessary resources and information to work towards their goals.

Furthermore, you contribute to the overall fun and positive working environment with OGSM. By providing support, guidance, and promoting the effective use of the software, you help create a positive user experience for your team, making their work more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Your role as an administrator is vital in driving change and delivering success in your organization. You are a key resource for your team, providing technical expertise, monitoring progress, and fostering effective communication. Don’t hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions or need further assistance. Let’s work together to make OGSM a powerful tool for achieving our organizational goals!


License do i have and what does that mean

People and Users in our tool


The list of people can be accessed from the left menu. Simply click on the “People” name to open the list of registered individuals in our tool. This comprehensive list displays the names, photos, email addresses, job titles, and company information of all individuals.

Only admin users have the ability to delete a person from the list.

By clicking on an individual’s name, you can access their overview page, which displays all relevant information such as their assigned tasks, linked users, projects under management, ownership of OGSMs, dashboard measures, requirements, and participation in meetings.

When creating a person in our tool, it’s important to note that they do not have access to the workspace. The primary reason for creating a person is to assign specific actions, KPIs, or steps to individuals who may not have access to the tool itself. This allows you to designate responsibility for these tasks to the appropriate parties, even if they are not registered as users.

By including a person’s email address, you can also communicate with them via email and receive updates on their progress without requiring them to become registered users of the tool. This allows for greater flexibility in managing tasks and projects, as well as facilitating collaboration with individuals outside of the workspace.

How to create a person

  • Hover the mouse over the people menu (a plus icon will appear) and click on it
  • Make sure you fill in the name field, which is mandatory
  • You may also enter the person’s email address if desired

By checking the “Invite to workspace” option, you can invite as a user who will be registered as a person as well in the list.


Another way to create a person is when you search for the team inside the action modal

To create a new person in the OGSM, follow these steps:
1.Click on the action team icon.
2.The search bar can be used to search for existing people or to create a new person.
3.Click on “create” and the create popup will appear.
4.When creating a new person, all you need to provide is their name. However, you can also add their email if you have it.
5.Click on “create” again and the new person will be created and added to the people list.


The same steps we follow when we want to add a new attendee inside the meetings, the search has the same

If you want to access people list and search for a specific person you need to open the left menu and click in people option


Person page

  • After creating a person, you can access further information about them. This includes all activities associated with the person, such as assigned tasks and responsibilities. You have several options at your disposal:
  • If the person is not a user yet, you can invite them to join the workspace.


Once the the user is invited you can check in the user section:


  • You can review all outgoing emails sent to this person



  • You can view all meetings where this person is listed as an attendee.


  •  You can also see all tasks, projects, OGSMs, and other related items that this person has ownership of.



Users are the “people” that interact with the software. Is someone who is able to login in our tool and based on its role can do specific actions.

How to invite a user

  1. Create person and invite user at the same time
    This is the same way we create a person, with the difference, in the “Create new person/user” popup you should also check “Invite to Workspace” option and select a role
  2. Invite a person inside the tool as a user

Difference between people and users

The differences between a person and a user:

  • A person does not have access to the tool. A user can access the tool and based on its role can see/edit/delete things inside.
  • A person can give feedback only by status update emails he receives. Also a user can do that but they are able to login inside the system and make the changes manually

Logging in to OGSM Software and create your own OGSM

Getting started with OGSM is easy, in this chapter you will learn all methods of logging in and

I already have a workspace and want to login

I have forgotten my password

I have been invited to someone else’s workspace and need to make my own OGSM

Step 1: Login into OGSM software (if not already logged in)

You have 3 ways to login into your OGSM Software account:

  1. Using the SSO method – you can choose the options between Gmail, Okta or Microsoft and use the Single Sign-on method but your account must be registered to the same email address. Simply click on one of the options and sign into the service of your choice. You will not have to log in separately to your workspace.
  2. Using your email and password – just fill your email, password and click on ‘Sign in’ button
  3. Using the ‘Receive link to Login’ button – a password-less way to login, also known as a ‘magic link’. You only need to fill in your email address and then click on the ‘Receive link to login’ button. You will then receive an email with a link that lets you log-in right away without a password.

Note: If you login with email and password, you will be able to see the list of all the workspaces that have the same email and password.


Below you will find a specific example of different behavior of the tool.


If you want to make the login with email and password you need to change the passwords inside the workspace so you can have access to the whole list of workspaces.



Step 2: I have forgotten my password

If you have forgotten your password, don’t worry. In OGSM software it is easy to reset your password.

  1. Open the login page and below the email address and password you will find the option ‘Forgot your password?’
  2. Click over it and write your email address and click ‘Reset Password’
  3. The email you will receive will allow you to reset the password of all workspaces you have created with this email.
  4. Click in ‘Reset’ and write your new password and confirmation password, and save the changes.

Note: For security reasons, your new password must have at least one number, lowercase, uppercase, special character and at least 8 characters long.


How to activate the Two Step Authenticator in our tool (4th way of logging in)

  • To Admins – Activate in Workspace Settings- Features- the Google authenticator box. In this way all the users will have access in their personal settings the section ‘Two step authentication’ and make the specific configurations. Please see slides 2-4 and follow the steps for the right configuration.
  • To all users – Go to personal settings and on the bottom of the page you will find the ‘Two step authentication’ section. Please see slides 5-8 for a better understanding on how to activate the two step auth
  • To Admins- Make sure all the users have already done the configurations in their personal settings. After confirming, go to Workspace Settings- Security – and choose the ‘Two step auth’ option. By activating this option all the users of the workspace must login only with two step Authenticator
&Quot;&Quot; &Quot;&Quot; &Quot;&Quot;   &Quot;&Quot;

If an admin user activates the two step authentication in the Workspace setting, all users are obliged to login only with a two step authentication method. Given that for some users this configuration is not done yet, our tool will give you the option to login via the code you can send in your email.

Permission levels
User/Manager/Admin –

  • OGSM mode
  • Project user mode
  • meeting user mode

How to hide OGSM from team ogsm ownership and what that means to the user

How can I see what changes have been made (workspace, ogsm, person)

Email configuration at workspace .. at person

  • what emails have been sent
  • what emails will be sent (when)

Difference between reminder, update request and overdue

OGSM.status draft, active, close

Where can I or other find help (manual, website, or contact with “feedback”)

Person leaves your organization – how can I transfer work to another person?

Frequently Asked questions

  • How many admins should there be and how can I see that?
  • What are the latest changes in the software
  • How can I provide feedback
    user can’t see an OGSM?
  • Has Someone changed My OGSM? What now?
  • How can I make login easier (SSO)
  • How can I have a user start at their OGSM page


What does a good OGSM look like- this is covered in the AgileOGSM book and OGSM checklists, please send an email to for more information.

Chapter 1: OGSM list

On the left page there is the list of all OGSMs by default opened. When you hover the mouse on the list, you will find two arrows, going in opposite directions.

You can close the list by clicking in the left arrow and that will stay also after refreshing or logging out.


If you want to open the OGSM list wider than you click on the right Arrow.


If you are an admin user, you will be able to see all OGSMs created. Confidential and not confidential, whether you have access or not.

If the OGSM is confidential and you don’t have access to, you will be able to see the OGSM name in grey color. If you hover the mouse over the OGSM name, you will see a tooltip describing who is the owner, and if you want to access this OGSM you need to ask the Owner.


Chapter 2: Activate automatic reminders


We have a digital assistant available for you, if you would like to activate this assistant to save time and bring a great habit of on time updates to progress reporting within your organization. Here we will explain all steps that are necessary to get the mailing section working as expected.

Workspace settings

To have the mailing subscription working as expected, it is necessary first to set the workspace general settings:


  1. First click in the left menu and then ‘Settings’. After that click on ‘Workspace settings’. It will appear the Workspace settings options


2. Then click in the Workspace settings inside the ‘General’ section.


3. Go to the third tab ‘Reminders’ and there you will see all the mailing options such as reminders and mailings for the specific update date.


Click in the third tab and you will find all reminder options. These options are for the workspace level. You will have the option to activate or deactivate options on a personal level as well. Below you will find the explanation of all the options in the picture above:

  • Mailing enabled – If you want to receive any emails, this option should be active so you will be able to track your work. If this option is off, you will not receive any kind of emails from the digital assistant
  • Measure/Goal mailing (reminder) – You will receive an email X days prior to a measure date telling that: “This is a request to update the status of the Kpis assigned to you with status update on.”
  • Project status mailing (reminder) – You will receive an email X days prior to a measure date telling that: “This is a request to update the status of the project assigned to you with status update on.”
  • Risk status mailing (reminder) – You will receive an email X days prior to a measure date telling that: “This is a request to update the status of the risk assigned to you with status update on.”
  • Assignment mailing (reminder) – If you are assigned a task or project and you “send emails” is on, as work is allocated to you by someone else you will be notified.
  • Task status mailing – You will receive an email on the measure date itself: “This is a request to update the status of the task assigned to you, with the status update date today.”
  • Goal dashboard mailing – You will receive an email on the measure date itself: “This is a request to update the status of the goal (key performance indicator) assigned to you, with the status update date today.”
  • Requirement status mailing – You will receive an email on the measure date itself: “This is a request to update the status of the requirement assigned to you, with the status update date today.”
  • Action status update email – You will receive an email on the measure date itself: “This is a request to update the status of the project assigned to you, with the status update date today.”
  • Risk status mailing – You will receive an email on the measure date itself: “This is a request to update the status of the risk assigned to you, with the status update date today.”
  • Subscription mailing – You will receive an email on the measure date itself: “This is a request to update the status of the subscription, with the status update date today.”
  • Timesheet mailing – Your timesheet for year/month is not yet submitted. Please review your worked hours and submit it. You also receive a daily Timesheet reminder email to fill in your hours for the tasks and projects (weekdays to receive the daily Timesheet reminder is configured in the user’s settings page)
  • Task status update mailing (reminder) – You will receive an email X days prior to a measure date telling that: “This is a request to update the status of the Task assigned to you with status update on.”

Person settings

Besides the workspace settings, it is necessary to have the personal mailing set enabled:


First click in my settings, and then in the third tab select ‘ Reminders’ you will find that initially all reminders will be inherited by the mailing workspace settings, but you can personalize them in personal settings for specific users. You can activate or deactivate mailing reminders.



Mailing logic

Object Status Update Notifications are enabled per Workspace level (Workspace Settings page) and per Person level (Person Settings page):

The steps to get the PSU emails:

  • An object with owner that has mailing enabled
  • Status update frequency with the desired option selected
  • Status update start date defined

The email types are:

REMINDER An email X days prior to a measure date telling that: “This is a request to update the status of the Kpis assigned to you with status update on.”

TODAY An email on the measure date itself: “This is a request to update the status of the Kpis assigned to you, with a status update date today.”

OVERDUE An e-mail one day after the set date if no actual value is filled in: “The status updates of the following Kpis assigned to you are now overdue. The deadline for the status update date was before today. Please submit a status update for each Kpi now.”

The status update emails contain a token-secured link to a Single Update page accessible without the need to login into the tool.

Special cases

For the KPIs objects it is possible to make some exceptions that are :

  • A delay to receive the PSU email set in the ‘Status update notification delay (days)’ input field
    Example: I have set the ‘next review date’ for March 16th with yearly frequency, it means that is going to be sent the email in this date, again on March 16th from the next year and so on, but if I set a value in the ‘Status Update notification delay (days)’ as 10, the emails are going to be sent alway 10 days later than the set date on March 26th in this case.
  • A delay for the item to become overdue after the user receives the ‘Overdue’ email set in “Turn on overdue after number of days’ input field
    Example: Every time that the Overdue email is sent (one day after the set date if no actual value was filled in), automatically the object gets as Overdue and if you set a delay for it, in this case the KPI is going to become Overdue only after the period set. Using the example above, if the date is on March 16th and I set 5 days to become overdue, instead it gets overdue on the 17th, it is going to be only on the 21st.

It is possible to set these exceptions for the KPI mailing, following the steps below (you can set it as a generic setting in the Workspace or per object):

Workspace general settings


KPI individual settings (KPI overview page or KPI popup in the OGSM)


This is how you activate your OGSM: you specify the frequency with which emails should be sent to the owners of a goal or measure.


How does the Mailing dashboard page work?

If you want the mailing section in the left menu, you need to enable the ‘Mailing dashboard enabled’ in the workspace settings.



The first tab works the same way that the Reminder one in the Workspace settings, it is for defining the mailing options that are enabled or not:


In the second tab you will find all emails for the current day. Also if the item cannot be mailed for any reason(s) a warning is shown:


In the tabs: Risks, Risk Measures, Projects, KPIs and Tasks are displayed all mailing items from these specific entities:


The workspace admins can set it by themselves for all the users in the mailing page and enable/disable for specific mail types:


Email logs

The Email logs is a page where the workspace owners can see all the emails that were sent. It is possible to access it through the Administration area:


Email logs page


To see the email message, you only need to click on the envelope:



Monitor Action Measures with automatic email notifications

Action Measures or Task status update displays the current situation of a task at a specific time. You need to make some simple configuration so it is more clear when you need to request the status update.


  • Choose an Owner of the task
  • Set a Start date
  • Set an End Date
  • Choose a status review frequency

If you want to make a request for a task status update (even if you have not done the above configurations), it can be done inside the task modal. Everyone who is part of the workspace and has access to the task can request the status update anytime.

The only request is to choose a ‘Project manager’ for the task.

As soon as you request the status update, the owner of the task will receive an email.


Click in the ‘Update status Tasks’ and the page will appear below:


How to request the status update for a person that has no access in the workspace:

  1.  Create a person (make sure the person created has also email)
  2. Request the status update

The person will receive the email and he can update the task without having to login to the software. He will not have access to open the task details or go to the dashboard.


Note: We are working on a Cascade OGSM manual describing the best way possible to understand. Thanks 🙂

What is Cascade OGSM?

-In progress

Why do we need to cascade an OGSM?

-In progress

How can we cascade an OGSM

There are two ways of cascading an OGSM.

First option is by clicking on the “Three dots” inside the OGSM and in the context menu choose “Cascade OGSM”


The second option is by cascading from the OGSM list. Click in the OGSM list, hover the mouse on the OGSM that you want to cascade and click on the “+” icon.

The cascade OGSM model asks you to write:

  • Name of Cascaded OGSM.
  • The start date and end date is based on the parent OGSM but you can choose the specific period you think this OGSM will be executed.
  • “Make it confidential” – is initially proposed as the parent OGSM. If parent OGSM is private also the cascaded one is by default confidential. If parent OGSM is public, also cascaded OGSM is public but you can check it if you want to choose otherwise.


How does the “Copy, link and keep empty” option work when cascading an OGSM?

Our Software gives you the ability to Cascade the OGSM using these different options.

Copy option allows you to copy all Goals that you have access to in the parent OGSM. Cascaded OGSM will transfer all information inside all goals and

Who has access in the Cascaded OGSM?

-In progress


You are allowed to create as many Sub OGSM as you want for one OGSM.


Cascade OGSM from a strategy

If the existing strategy is becoming very complex, we have a solution for you. Our software will help you create a new OGSM from a strategy and it is easy to do. After you have created the strategy, measure moments, actions and steps, you click in edit strategy and choose button ‘Cascade OGSM’



  1. The strategy name becomes the OGSM name and Objective
  2. Dashboard measures become Goal What/How. Our Software will automatically create Goal headers Goal What and Goal How and position KPI under the specific status
  3. Actions will become strategies in the new OGSM
  4. Steps will become Actions for that strategy

CHAPTER 4 Share your workspace with other users/people

People and Users in our tool


The list of people can be accessed from the left menu. Simply click on the “People” name to open the list of registered individuals in our tool. This comprehensive list displays the names, photos, email addresses, job titles, and company information of all individuals.

Only admin users have the ability to delete a person from the list.

By clicking on an individual’s name, you can access their overview page, which displays all relevant information such as their assigned tasks, linked users, projects under management, ownership of OGSMs, dashboard measures, requirements, and participation in meetings.

When creating a person in our tool, it’s important to note that they do not have access to the workspace. The primary reason for creating a person is to assign specific actions, KPIs, or steps to individuals who may not have access to the tool itself. This allows you to designate responsibility for these tasks to the appropriate parties, even if they are not registered as users.

By including a person’s email address, you can also communicate with them via email and receive updates on their progress without requiring them to become registered users of the tool. This allows for greater flexibility in managing tasks and projects, as well as facilitating collaboration with individuals outside of the workspace.

How to create a person

  • Hover the mouse over the people menu (a plus icon will appear) and click on it
  • Make sure you fill in the name field, which is mandatory
  • You may also enter the person’s email address if desired

By checking the “Invite to workspace” option, you can invite as a user who will be registered as a person as well in the list.


Another way to create a person is when you search for the team inside the action modal

To create a new person in the OGSM, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the action team icon.
  2. The search bar can be used to search for existing people or to create a new person.
  3. Click on “create” and the create popup will appear.
  4. When creating a new person, all you need to provide is their name. However, you can also add their email if you have it.
  5. Click on “create” again and the new person will be created and added to the people list.


The same steps we follow when we want to add a new attendee inside the meetings, the search has the same

If you want to access people list and search for a specific person you need to open the left menu and click in people option


Person page

After creating a person, you can access further information about them. This includes all activities associated with the person, such as assigned tasks and responsibilities. You have several options at your disposal:

  • If the person is not a user yet, you can invite them to join the workspace.


  • You can review all outgoing emails sent to this person


  • You can view all meetings where this person is listed as an attendee.


  • You can also see all tasks, projects, OGSMs, and other related items that this person has ownership of.




Users are the “people” that interact with the software. Is someone who is able to login in our tool and based on its role can do specific actions.

How to invite a user

1- Create person and invite user at the same time

This is the same way we create a person, with the difference, in the “Create new person/user” popup you should also check “Invite to Workspace” option and select a role


2- Convert a person into a user

To invite an existing person to join the workspace as a user, follow these steps:

  1. Open the workspace and navigate to the left menu.
  2. Click on the person icon to access the person page.
  3. Locate and select the name of the person you want to invite.
  4. In the top right corner, click on the three-dot menu icon (“…”).
  5. From the menu options, choose “Invite User.”
  6. Provide the necessary information:
  • Enter the person’s name.
  • Enter their email address.
  • Assign a role for this person within the workspace.

Once you have filled in the required details, click on the invite button to send the invitation.
By following these steps, you can successfully invite an existing person to join your workspace as a user.



Once the the user is invited you can check in the user section:


Difference between people and users

The differences between a person and a user:

  • A person does not have access to the tool. A user can access the tool and based on its role can see/edit/delete things inside.
  • A person can give feedback only by status update emails he receives. Also a user can do that but they are able to login inside the system and make the changes manually

Set the role for users

Admin Role:

  • The Admin role has full access to all features of the workspace.
  • Admins can create and delete items within the workspace.
  • They have complete control over the workspace settings.

Manager Role:

  • Managers have access to all features within the workspace, except for workspace and OGSMs settings.
  • They can create, edit, and delete items, collaborate with other users, and contribute to the workspace’s activities.

User Role:

  • Users have limited access to the workspace.
  • They can only access their own personal settings and view public OGSMs.
  • User role permissions are restricted unless the owner grants them specific permission to access additional features or private OGSMs.

We also have some specific user modes that overrides the permissions and roles:

User Mode Description
Read-only user modeEverything is read only
Project user modeI only see projects that I belong to
OGSM user modeI only see OGSMs I belong to
Meeting user modeI only see meetings that I am an attendee

How admin users can enable users to above modes:

  • Open the users list
  • Click in the arrow of the person you want to make readonly
  • Check the box to be “Read-only mode”


Confidentiality and permission rules

Public OGSM

Public OGSMs are an effective way for organizations to align their teams and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals. By making the OGSMs accessible to all workspace users, employees can easily track the progress of their work and see how it contributes to the overall objectives of the organization.

Moreover, Public OGSMs also foster transparency within an organization. By making the OGSMs visible to all employees, it helps to create a culture of openness and accountability. This means that everyone is aware of the objectives and strategies of the organization, and can work together to achieve them.

However, it is important to note that Public OGSMs should be managed carefully. While they can be a valuable tool for collaboration and transparency, they can also be vulnerable to unwanted changes and unauthorized access. For this reason we have implemented a new OGSM mode which is read only mode

How to make an OGSM public

If you’re the owner of an OGSM and want to make it public, the process is straightforward. First, navigate to the top bar and look for the option to adjust the OGSM’s privacy settings.

Click on the option to make the OGSM public, and a confirmation message will appear. Once you confirm that you want to make the OGSM public, any previous restrictions on the OGSM will be lifted. This means that all users who have access to the OGSM will be able to make changes to it.



This is what other users see if they try to click in the padlock/person icon. They cannot change the OGMS mode.


User permissions for Public OGSMS
Invite userYesOnly managers or userNoNo
Take control of the OGSMYesNoNoNo
Add new OGSMYesYesNoNo
Add objects within an OGSMYesYesNoNo
Edit objects within an OGSMYesYesOnly objects that are owner ofNo
Delete objectsYesYesTheir own objectsNo
Receive and process status updatesYesYesYesYes
Change OGSM modeOnly OGSMs that user is owner of Only OGSMs that user is owner of Only OGSMs that user is owner of No

Read- Only OGSM

Read-only OGSMs are accessible to all users, but only for viewing purposes. This can be useful for sharing information and updates with a broad audience, such as stakeholders or the wider organization. By making the OGSMs visible to everyone, it can help to build awareness and understanding of the organization’s goals and strategies, and foster a sense of shared purpose across the organization.

As explained above, only admin can make an OGSM read only

How to make an OGSM read only?

Follow the same steps as you did for public OGSMs. Choose read-only mode and after confirming all workspace users will be able to view the OGSM and only admin can make changes


User permissions for “Read-Only OGSMS”
Invite userNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNoNo
Take control of the OGSMYesNoNoNo
Add new OGSMYesYesNoNo
Add objects within an OGSMNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNoNo
Edit objects within an OGSMNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionOnly objects that are owner ofNo
Delete objectsNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionOnly objects that are owner ofNo
Receive and process status updatesYesYesYesYes
Change OGSM modeNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM No, unless you are the owner of the OGSMOnly OGSMs that user is owner of No

Private OGSM

Private OGSMs are only accessible to a select group of users who have been granted specific permissions to make changes. This can be particularly useful for sensitive information or confidential strategies that should only be accessible to a small group of people within the organization. By restricting access to the OGSM, organizations can ensure that only authorized personnel are able to make changes and that confidential information is not inadvertently shared with unauthorized parties.
How to set an OGSM private

Click on the padlock and change the OGSM mode to “Private” and users will lose access to this. Only the owner and selected users with specific permissions can access this OGSM


How to set permissions to users in a private OGSM


  • Click in the OGSM 1
  • Click in the Padlock and add permission
  • Select the type of permission that you want to assign to the user such as “VIew”

Note that the selected permission will override the user’s role in the organization, so it is important to choose the appropriate level of access based on the user’s responsibilities and needs.

By following these steps, you can ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the private OGSM, while still enabling collaboration and communication among the designated group of users.


User permissions for Private OGSMs
Invite userNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNoNo
Take control of the OGSMYesNoNoNo
Add new OGSMYesYesNoNo
Add objects within an OGSMNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNoNo
Edit objects within an OGSMNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionOnly objects that are owner ofNo
Delete objectsNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionOnly objects that are owner ofNo
Receive and process status updatesYesYesYesYes
ReportsNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNo, unless you are the owner of the OGSM or have the permissionNoNo
Change OGSM modeOnly OGSMs that user is owner of Only OGSMs that user is owner of Only OGSMs that user is owner of No

New releases

In the top right of the screen you find a small gift icon. A red notification point as shown below indicates a new release has been published

To understand what is new click on the icon and the pop-up will elaborate on the new changes made. By clicking on ‘Acknowledge’ the red notification point will be hidden until a new release is published.


Youtube Videos

Our focus is now also on the Youtube videos making the usage of the OGSM Software easier for everyone.

You will be notified for every new release video but you can also check our videos by searching on Youtube: OGSM software or click in our Channel:

Youtube Videos:

This first tutorial explains the basics on how to get started with writing you OGSM

This video explains what OGSM stands for and how to create your strategic plan using OGSM as a guidance

This video explains how can our software helps you with the flow, Plan, Do, Check and Act

This video explains what values you can add to your company by working with our OGSM Software

This Video shows the new default version of the OGSM